Getting Involved

Frequent Questions

New to Rally?
LAST UPDATED: 9/29/2017

What is Rally?

Rally is a fun and exciting team sport for dogs and their handlers! Dog and handler teams navigate a course at a brisk, continuous pace, with numbered signs indicating different exercises to perform such as Sit-Down-Sit, Figure 8, Send Over Jump, Spiral Left, Side Step Right, and Down on Recall. It is a fun test of obedience and the trust in the relationship between dog and handler.

Must I have a purebred dog in order to participate in Rally?

No; all dogs, purebred and mixed breed, are encouraged participate. Rally is fun for all—family dogs, teams beginning show careers, teams retiring from more physically demanding sports and teams who just enjoy a good challenging competition in a friendly atmosphere.

What dog is best suited for Rally?

Any dog in good health is a strong candidate for Rally. There are even special provisions for dogs with certain handicaps. So small or large, young or old, purebred or mixed breed, they are all able to join in the fun.

What should I expect to gain by participating in Rally?

Everyone has different goals in mind when they first begin. Some simply want to be active with their dog, while others seek the accolades of high level competition. And there are a lot of others in between. The bottom line is that you can set your own goals. At any level, you can improve your dog's focus and build teamwork and a trusting relationship with your dog in a fun activity by navigating a series of unique exercises.

How old does my dog have to be to compete in Rally?

There are classes for dogs as young as six months of age, as well as for adult dogs. There are also veterans classes for dogs well into their senior years.

Why should I try to compete in Rally?

Rally is challenging and fun. Dog owners in Rally are given a chance to show off their teamwork with their dog. In addition,

  • Rally is a sport that anyone can do, regardless of physical limitations.
  • Rally allows teams the chance to add extra points to their score by performing an optional bonus exercise.
  • Rally trials are friendly events where everyone cheers for each other and there's a real sense of camaraderie among competitors.

What better way to allow dogs trained with positive, reward-based methods to truly shine!

What kind of awards are earned at Rally trials?

WCRL offers over a dozen different titles in Rally. A team can earn class titles after successfully completing three course runs with qualifying scores earned under two different judges (or three qualifying scores under one judge in Intro class). Teams may also earn several different Championship titles, National Ranking Awards, and a special Award of Excellence.


Getting Started
LAST UPDATED: 9/29/2017

What are the steps to getting started?

It's as simple as 1-2-3. First, locate a group using our Group Locator tool to find a group near you. If there is not one, contact us and we can try to help you find a training school or trainer in your area. Two, begin taking classes and building the relationship you want with your dog. And finally, take the leap and test your mettle by entering a local trial or enroll in a Rally@Home! event. To learn more about rally at-home events, go to Qualifications from @Home! events count towards title certification requirements just as if you are competing in live events.

Find events scheduled in your area by visiting our Rally Event Calendar. You can do reasonably well and have a lot of fun and enjoyment in Rally in a relatively short period of time. But remember, as with any sport, considerable time and energy is required to be highly competitive if that is your goal.

See the Official Regulations to learn about the philosophies and exercises offered.

Does my dog have to be registered in order to compete?

Yes; your dog must be registered with World Cynosport Rally Limited (WCRL) or the United States Dog Agility Association (USDAA) in order to compete in WCRL events. Your registration in WCRL is also good for participation in USDAA dog agility events, once your dog is at least 14 months of age. USDAA registration numbers are valid for participation in WRCL events. Separate registrations are not required.

You may register your dog online at, or register by mail by obtaining a registration form through our web site via the Library or by making request via Email and providing your postal address. If registering by mail, send the completed form along with the applicable fees to WCRL, P.O. Box 850955, Richardson, TX 75085-0955.

Where do I find trial results and titles earned and when will certificates for titles be mailed?

Trial results and titles earned by a competitor for each of their dogs can be found in the Competitor Services area of the web site.

Trial results are input within a few days of receipt in the Rally office following the event, normally within two weeks, provided they are submitted on a timely basis and there are no issues reported. These are viewable online as soon as they are entered. Log into the Competitor Services area by clicking Competitor Log-in, and select a dog from your list of dogs and then click on the Results link on the Dog Information page.

Title processing is scheduled to be run on a monthly basis on the 1st Tuesday of each month (beginning July 2, 2013), and each month thereafter, for titles earned through the date four weeks prior to the run date. This four-week lag permits the trial host and office staff time to submit, review, and record results, as well as providing time for competitors to review recorded results prior to titles being processed. Certificates will normally be mailed within two to three weeks following the title processing date.

How were APDT Rally registrations converted to WCRL registrations?

All dogs registered with APDT prior to January 7, 2013, have been automatically registered with the new World Cynosport Rally Limited (WCRL). A Competitor account has been created for you and you can retrieve your account information from, or by contacting the WCRL office at (972) 487-2200 x103. You may log into your Competitor Account to view your dogs and results.

Can I compete in WCRL with a USDAA Agility registration?

Yes. If you have registered a dog with USDAA, you do NOT need to register the same dog to compete in WCRL. You can use your dog's USDAA number to enter a WCRL Trial.

Can I compete in USDAA Agility with a WCRL registration?

Yes. If you have registered a dog with WCRL, you do NOT need to register the same dog to compete in USDAA agility. You can use your dog's WCRL number to enter a USDAA Event. However, you should contact the WCRL Office to be issued a registration measurement card for agility, and to make sure we have your dog's name, call name, height at the withers, and birthdate.

What if my dog is registered with both USDAA Agility and WCRL?

If you have both a USDAA agility number and WCRL number for the same dog, you must use your WCRL number to enter a WCRL Trial, and your USDAA number to enter an agility trial.

What is a Competitor Account?

WCRL tracks your dogs through a primary owner account, which is the Competitor Account. Through a single login function, you can access all your dogs and other services, such as view trial results and title information for each of your registered dogs, register additional dogs, and view and update your contact information.

How do I update my dog's information page?

Contact the WCRL Office for any updates needed on your dog's information page.


For Groups/Trial Hosts
LAST UPDATED: 9/29/2017

Where is my Event and Test Schedule Published?

All approved events are listed on the Event Calendar at To find out your Event #, click on your event in the Event Calendar. Your six-digit Event # will be the last six digits in the Address Bar of your browser (where you type in web addresses.)

So that we can make your Test Schedule (a.k.a. Premium) readily accessible, please send a copy of the Test Schedule (in Word format), as soon as it is available, to to be uploaded to the Event Information page.

Where Do I Find a List of Judges?

For a current Approved WCRL Judges List, see the Approved Judges List at in the File Library under Forms & Documents for Groups/Clubs.

Who can host a Rally trial?

Rally trials can be hosted by any organization, and they can be held indoors or outdoors. Trials typically include Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 classes and can also include Intro and Veteran classes.

Why should I consider hosting a Rally trial?

Rally is a great way to introduce your clients and students to the world of dog sports in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Rally trials are also good fundraisers for your organization or a local charity and help to build better relationships.

With Rally growing across the country, you can be one of the first organizations in your area to offer this exciting new sport.

2018 Official Regulations
LAST UPDATED: 4/29/2019

Why were the new regulations written?

Our goal in developing these regulations was to incorporate feedback received from groups and competitors, as well as to infuse freshness to help grow the program for everyone. We want the sport to flourish as well as all of those participating in it, whether as trial hosts, judges, competitors, and dogs. Some of the concerns addressed were clarity in the rules, consistency in scoring, and affordability, while keeping the sport fun and challenging. We began with defining the basis of Rally as a performance of a course as a whole, specifying a primary purpose to each exercise, and then developed the new regulations within that framework.

Are there exercise videos available?

Yes; exercise videos can be viewed by clicking on 2018 Official Regulations and scrolling to the video section.

Is there a summary of changes in the 2018 regulations compared to previous rulebook editions?

Yes; for an overview of the changes compared to the previous edition of the regulations, click the 2018 Official Regulations and scroll to the "Summary of 2018 Rulebook Changes (including List of Bonuses)" link.

NOTE: See the 2018 Official Regulations for a complete description of the Rally rules and regulations.


Chapter 1 - Rally Obedience

OVERVIEW: This chapter provides a concise definition of Rally and the general eligibility requirements to compete, including the allowance of modifications.

What types of modifications are allowed?

Modifications are allowed at Judge's discretion. Examples of modifications may include:

  • for dogs in carts, a modified down or sit may be allowed and removal of the jump bar
  • lowered jump height (below recommended and allowable jump heights) for disabilities that do not cause pain
  • for blind dogs, a continuous auditory cue may be used at a jump and for other distance cues
  • for deaf dogs, a visual cue may be used for a blind front exercise
  • for handlers using carts, modifications may include wider space between cones and increased Course Time
  • for dogs and/or handlers with reduced abilities in movement, modifications altering the Course Timemay be allowed

NOTE: See the 2018 Official Regulations for a complete description of the Rally rules and regulations.


Chapter 2 - Class Structure

OVERVIEW: This chapter defines the Rally classes (Regular, Specialty, and Tournament) as well as the purpose for each class. Specialty classes allow hosts to define custom classes for competition, giving hosts more flexibility for creativity and increased entries. Tournament Classes are to be added in the near future as we develop the regular National Tournament. We first offered the National WCRL Tournament in 2016, where we introduced several of the new concepts, including the new Maximum Course Times and the bonus within the course. With feedback from this event, we have been able to further refine the new regulations.

Why was the Intro class created?

The Intro class was added so that dogs of all ages could compete on shorter courses to help transition them to competing in the ring. There is no B class in Intro, which means championship titles are not offered for Intro class; however, teams can continue entering Intro class even after earning the Intro title (e.g., as a warm-up or for continued exposure in the ring on a shorter course); dogs who have earned the RLI or RL1 or higher are not eligible for placement awards in Intro class. Teams can enter Intro class and any other class in the same trial.

Why is there no Puppy Level class?

Puppy class was replaced by Intro class; however, trial hosts may offer special awards for puppies if they choose.

Why is there no Junior Level class?

Junior Handlers (competitors under the age of 16 years old who are registered as a Junior Handler team) are welcome to compete and earn titles. We have expanded the opportunities for Junior Handlers so that a Junior Handler registration is eligible for entry into all classes, and thus eligible for all regular and championship titles, annual ranking overall, and annual ranking as a Junior Handler. This eliminates the need for separate Junior courses and allows Junior Handlers to participate in all classes. Clubs may offer special awards recognizing Junior Handlers and their accomplishments in any or all classes (e.g., highest score by a Junior in each level, or among all Levels.

What are the changes in eligibility for entering a class?

In Levels 2 and 3, dogs must be 1 year or older to enter, due to the inclusion of jump exercises. Veteran Level is open to all dogs over the age of 8; in addition, dogs 50 lbs and less than 90 lbs may enter at age 7 years, and dogs 90 lbs or more may enter Veteran at age 6 years.

Can Veterans enter other classes in the same trial?

Yes; Veterans can enter both Veterans class and other classes in the same trial. The only requirement for Veterans is the age and weight eligibility in Chapter 2.

NOTE: See the 2018 Official Regulations for a complete description of the Rally rules and regulations.


Chapter 3 - Rules of Performance

OVERVIEW: This chapter is a guide and reference for rules and definitions related to Rally performance. It includes everything from the type of collars allowed in the ring, to ring procedure for competitors, to an alphabetized list of Rally rules and definitions.

What is the Adapting Pace penalty?

Adapting Pace is a penalty assessed when the handler changes their body position, pace, or stride to accommodate a dog that is lagging, forging, drifting, or heeling too close.

When is an Additional Cue deduction made?

An Additional Cue deduction is made for any additional communication (visual or auditory signals, commands, directives, or instructions) given to prompt the dog after the dog fails to respond to a cue, or to re-initiate after ceasing to work. A continuous cue (lasting more than approximately 3 seconds) when the dog is not performing as desired shall be considered an Additional Cue. Each Additional Cue is penalized (see Chapter 4), except in Veteran class, where one Additional Cue per exercise may be given without penalty.

In some cases, a tight leash may be penalized as an Additional Cue, for example, when a tight leash prompts a change in performance (such as when a handler accelerates to perform a Fast Pace, and the dog responds with a change in pace as a result of the tight leash.)

Can I still praise my dog during the course?

Yes, praise is allowed at any time and is not considered an Additional Cue.

What is Anticipation in Rally?

Anticipation is a dog's movement as a premature response to an impending cue, and is penalized per the Scoring Standards (Chapter 4).

What is Significant Hesitation?

Significant Hesitation is a period of time (approximately 4 to 5 seconds) during which the dog does not begin to perform following a cue.

Where can I find a list of bonus exercises for each class?

For a list of bonus exercises for each class, click on "Official Regulations" and then click the "Summary of 2018 Rulebook Changes (including list of Bonuses)" link.

Why is the bonus part of the timed course?

The bonus has been incorporated into the timed course in keeping with the concept of Rally as a performance of a course as a whole, including all exercises and the bonus exercise. Therefore, as an exercise, and one that has the potential to add 10 points to the overall score, the bonus is part of the course and performed in conjunction with the course, rather than as a stand-alone station. It can also be retried per the retry rules.

Why are the bonuses selected from the next higher level?

The bonus has been designed to provide a practical transition to the next higher level and as an incentive to prepare for a wide variety of exercises. Previous bonuses were made into regular exercises in the new regulations and assigned to the appropriate level to offer more variety of regular exercises.

Does the competitor have to decide before starting the course whether to take the bonus and tell the judge?

No; the competitor does not tell the judge before starting the course if they intend to perform the bonus, as that can be decided by the competitor any time on the course before the station.

What is the reason for allowing competitors to choose between recommended and allowable jump heights?

The purpose of jump exercises is passing between uprights (a distance handling obedience exercise), not how high the dog can jump (agility). The height choice option reduces the need for some jump height modifications (which is the most common Exercise Modification requested.) Displacing the bar is penalized as a Secondary Element.

Can jumps be retried?

Yes; jump exercises may retried, even after the dog passes the plane of the jump, if the dog has not knocked the bar off. A retry requires re-approaching the exercise sign from the beginning.

Can jumps be recued after a run-out in a Send Over Jump exercise?

In the definition of run-outs in a jump, "a 'run-out' occurs if a dog passes by the plane defined by the jump without passing between the jump uprights, in which case the dog may be called back to the front of the jump and recued to jump." Per this definition, yes, a jump can be recued after a run-out. The scoring for a run-out and recue to jump would be -2 for "not performed as described" (Chapter 4, Scoring) since each jump exercise description states that jumps should be performed without a run-out.

Why is the Normal Pace exercise sign optional for course designs?

Normal pace is the general standard for course performance. Therefore, a Normal Pace sign is not required to be placed following pace changes. Following a pace change, should a Normal Pace sign not be presented, the team shall transition to normal pace as they approach the next exercise (i.e., within 2-3 steps of the performance area of the next exercise), as exercises are intended to be performed at a normal pace.

Can I retry any exercise?

Yes; any exercise can be retried as long as the team has not begun performing the next station, or, for jump exercises, the pole has not been displaced. This means that jumps can be retried even after the dog passes the plane of the jump, and bonuses can be retried. Bonuses can only be retried one time, while all other exercises can be retried up to two times each.

To perform a retry, the team should re-approach the station from a few feet. To perform a retry of a shared station, the team shall repeat the approach to the shared station from a few feet and perform the entire shared station; or, the handler may also opt to retry only the exercise(s) in the Shared Station in which the error occurred by re-approaching from a few feet (subject to course layout) the exercise to be retried.

What are the rules for food and touch rewards?

Rewards may be given following the conclusion of a stationary exercise in Levels 1, 2, 3, and Veteran classes, except when performing shared stations, in which the reward may only be given at the conclusion of the final stationary exercise of a shared station. In Intro class, rewards may be given following each stationary position in an exercise, but not more than two times per exercise; in Intro class shared stations, rewards may be given as in other exercises, except a reward may not be given for the shared element.

Why are teams not allowed to reward for the shared element in Shared Stations?

Since a Shared Station eliminates the need to initiate a stationary position, the exercises become naturally connected as if one continuous exercise. Essentially, two stationary exercises become one stationary exercise, so only one reward is allowed at the end of the Shared Station. The exception is that when a stationary exercise is shared with a moving exercise sign (e.g., Halt, Leave Dog), the reward is still allowed at the end of the final stationary exercise in the Shared Station. The Shared Station can be separated (at handler discretion) by taking 2 to 3 steps, subject to course layout, (see Chapter 3, Section 3.4), in which case rewards can still be given after each stationary exercise.

Can I perform a shared station as separate exercises?

Yes; the handler has the option to separate one or more exercises in the shared station. To separate, the handler shall take 2 to 3 steps, subject to course layout, to reset the team's position to perform the subsequent exercise(s) in the shared station. Note that once the exercises are performed separately, the exercises may not be retried as a shared station.

Why limit the number of exercises that can be in Shared Stations?

In Rally we would like to have the teams do fewer stationary exercises in one place, allowing for more moving throughout the course.

Why was Stay in Place and Stay in Position defined separately?

The definition of stay was clarified for more clarity in performing and scoring. By separating the two elements of stay in place and stay in position, this also allows for more flexibility in identifying the Primary and Secondary Elements.

Stay in Place refers to a dog's footprint, which is the space on the ground covered by a handler's or dog's body while in a stationary position. When the dog sits, downs, stands, or fronts, a footprint is created. Then if the dog moves out of that footprint before being cued, a penalty for "Moving out of place" or "Moving partially out of place" (see Chapter 4, Scoring Standards) is assessed.

Stay in Position refers to the dog's stance (i.e., sit, stand, or down); a dog that changes its stance from sit to down, down to sit, etc., has moved out of position.

As an example, in an exercise sign where the Primary Element is "Stay in Place," if the dog changed position during the stay (e.g., sit to stand) but remained in place, the Primary Element would still be satisfied and only a Secondary Element deduction (-2) would apply.

What is the Maximum Course Time (MCT) for each level?

  • Intro 3:00.00 minutes (180 seconds)
  • Level 1 3:00.00 minutes (180 seconds)
  • Level 2 3:30.00 minutes (210 seconds)
  • Level 3 4:00.00 minutes (240 seconds)
  • Veteran 4:00.00 minutes (240 seconds)

    Note: Standard Course Time (SCT) has been postponed indefinitely.

    NOTE: See the 2018 Official Regulations for a complete description of the Rally rules and regulations.


    Chapter 4 - Scoring Standards

    OVERVIEW: Scoring Standards have been designed to place emphasis on the performance of a course as a whole; as such, a team cannot get a score of zero based on a single exercise element. The list of Elimination conditions ("E", round scored as zero) has been narrowed down to general course penalties (e.g., exceeding maximum course time, off-course, poor sportsmanship, etc.) Special Scoring Considerations (Double Jeopardy, Penalties Not Erased With a Retry, and Outside Assistance) are also defined in this chapter.

    Are there Eliminations (Es, round scores zero) for Specific Exercise Elements?

    No; there are no Eliminations for incorrect performance specific exercise elements. The reason is that an exercise is just one part of the course, and the team who qualifies will still need to perform a majority of the course to the standards. The team will still need to attempt every exercise, and points will be taken off for incorrect performance of exercises.

    What is the difference between Nonqualifying scores (NQ) and Elimination (E)?

    NQs are scores under 170; NQ scores do not count toward title legs. Elimination (E) is also a nonqualifying score in which the score is marked as zero, and occurs when an item on the list of Eliminations (E) has taken place. The Elimination conditions have been narrowed down to general course violations (e.g. exceeding maximum course time, performing an exercise out of sequence, luring, poor sportsmanship) and no longer include specific exercise elements.

    Why are scores of less than 170 (nonqualifying) recorded in full instead of as zero (0)?

    The score is a measurement of the overall course performance against the standard of performance; therefore, a numeric score is a more meaningful measurement to identify areas of improvement than a score marked zero.

    Please help me understand the way of scoring exercises.

    The scoring system is established on 1, 2, 3, and 5 point deductions, and a score of 0 reserved for general course violations (e.g., exceeding maximum course time, off-course, poor sportsmanship, etc.; see "Elimination [E]" below.) Each exercise sign has one Primary Element (PE), which is the objective of the exercise; a 5 point deduction applies for failure to perform the PE; all other requirements of the exercise sign are Secondary Elements; 1 or 2 point deductions apply for failure to perform a Secondary Element.

    What if I lose more than 10 points on an exercise sign?

    There is a limit of 10 points that may be deducted for each exercise sign. If a team has more than 10 points in deductions on a sign, only 10 points are deducted on that sign.

    Why are all the possible Secondary Elements not listed in Chapter 4?

    Secondary Elements related to exercise performance are listed in the exercise description. Rather than list specific penalties for all the ways a team could incorrectly perform each exercise, we have instead clarified each exercise as to the correct performance, and created a Secondary Element penalty of "Handler's or dog's failure to perform an exercise as described, other than a Primary Element."

    If the Primary Element is "heeling around cones in defined pattern," is it a 5-point deduction for any errors in the pattern (e.g., entering the serpentine the wrong way, or completing the inner circle of the spiral first, or spiraling the wrong way)?

    Yes; it is a 5-point deduction if the defined pattern is not followed in cone exercises defined with that PE. Retries, or recues while still performing the exercise, are permitted.

    How is barking scored?

    Barking is scored as 1-point per disruptive barking episode, where an episode is one or more disruptive barks in a series (per Judge's discretion of determining disruptive barking). Judge's also have discretion to penalize excessive barking as a temporary loss of control.

    What is the difference in penalties between "luring or improper rewarding before or after course performance" and "luring or improper rewarding during course performance"?

    We have made a distinction in the ring between "course performance" and "before or after course performance," the latter of which refers to the time upon entering the ring but before passing the Start sign, and the time after passing the Finish sign but before exiting the ring. While it is an Elimination (E) for "Luring or improper rewarding" during the course performance, doing so other than during course performance is a 2-point deduction. This distinction was made since what occurs before the Start and after the Finish is technically not part of the course requirement.

    Is the dog required to be stationary when given a food reward in the ring before or after course performance?

    No; the rules on food and/or touch rewards (see Chapter 3) do not require that the dog be stationary when given a reward in the ring before or after course performance. However, during the course performance, the dog must remain in the specified stationary position and place until the team proceeds to the next element of an exercise or the next station, or a penalty for "Sit, down, or stand when not required" shall be assessed.

    Help me understand Double Jeopardy.

    Double Jeopardy is assigning two or more separate penalties for a single action or behavior of a dog or handler in the performance of an element. For example, a dog may sit lag, so the handler adapts pace and gives an additional cue simultaneously. Rather than penalize lag and the adapting pace and additional cue concurrent actions (analogous to allowing a visual and auditory cue to be given simultaneously), double jeopardy says to apply one penalty of the higher value.

    NOTE: See the 2018 Official Regulations for a complete description of the Rally rules and regulations.


    Chapter 5, 6, & 7 - Exercises for Levels 1, 2, & 3

    OVERVIEW: These chapters contain a step-by-step description of each exercise, which have been arranged in the most appropriate level. A major concept that has been added is the principal purpose for each exercise, as noted by the Primary Element. This was added to provide opportunity for more consistency in judging, clarity for competitors, and more streamlined methodology for scoring.

    New exercises are indicated by “NEW” next to the exercise number, while some exercises are “REVISED” based on existing exercises with some change in the requirements. Level 1 has 5 new exercises and 1 revised exercise. Level 2 has 3 new exercises and 4 revised exercises. Level 3 has 3 new exercises and 8 revised exercises, while the Level 3 Bonus Exercises are new exercises with 1 revised exercise.

    Are there videos demonstrating the exercises?

    Yes; videos of the exercises along with scoring information are available (scroll to the Exercise Videos link).

    How were the Primary Elements chosen?

    For the primary elements, we chose a variety of disciplines to test among different exercises, since it did not seem logical to test the same element multiple times during a course. For example, in exercises # 212 and # 214, we did not designate "Come" as primary element because that is already the primary element in several exercises, including # 208 and # 210. We designated the "Finishes" as primary element in these two exercises, which are the only exercises that a finish is a primary element (in other exercises, the finish is a secondary element). In this way, we encourage teams to be prepared for all primary elements, but don't overdo them in any one course by having a variety of primary elements (to the extent possible).

    Will trial hosts be able to use existing signs as needed?

    Yes; there will be a grace period through the end of 2018 (or longer if necessary) to use the old signs with the same name, though the scoring and exercise requirements will go into effect at the beginning of 2018. The current unchanged signs can just be renumbered.

    Why were right-side heeling exercises added?

    Right-side heeling exercises were developed for added variety in exercises and flexibility of training for the dog's location in relation to handler. This has also been recurrent request from competitors. All right-side heeling exercises are Level 3 bonuses.

    NOTE: See the 2018 Official Regulations for a complete description of the Rally rules and regulations.


    Chapter 8 - Titles, Awards, & Rankings

    OVERVIEW: In this chapter, we have added the new Rally Intro title, though for the most part, the current titles have not been changed in the new regulations. The Award of Excellence has been made a designation appended to the title on which it was earned, and it requires the first 3 rounds to be 190 or higher. The rankings calculation has been refined so that ranking points apply to the title category in which those points were earned.

    Will I be able to complete titles after the new regulations go into effect?

    Yes; the title requirements have not changed.

    The Puppy titles RLP and RLPX can be earned through December 31, 2017, and will be discontinued starting January 1, 2018, when the Puppy class is replaced by Intro class. For dogs competing in Puppy class who have not yet earned the RLP by December 31, 2017, any Qs earned toward the RLP will be converted to RLI (Intro) Qs in 2018 and count toward the RLI (Intro) title. The Junior titles will be discontinued starting January 1, 2018, when Junior handlers can enter all regular classes.

    Is a separate certificate sent for earning the Award of Excellence?

    No; the Award of Excellence is not a separate certificate, but is a designation appended to the title. For example, a title certificate for "Rally Level 1 – Award of Excellence" is the Level 1 title indicating that it was earned with the Award of Excellence designation, as they have been combined into one certificate. The Award of Excellence has been revised to when the first three scores are 190 or higher (this includes NQs and Es).

    How are the Annual Rankings calculated?

    The following is a summary of the ranking rules:

    • The title category in which a dog is eligible to be ranked is the highest title the dog earns during the calendar year, based on the following hierarchy (from lowest to highest): RL1, RL1X, RL2, RL2X, RL3, RL3X, ARCH, ARCHX, ARCHEX, ARCHMX, ARCHMX+
    • Points from Level 1 (A & B) count toward RL1/RL1X rankings
    • Points from Level 2 (A & B) count toward RL2/RL2X rankings
    • Points from Level 3 (A & B) count toward RL3/RL3X rankings
    • Points from Levels 1 and 2 (A & B) count toward ARCH and ARCHX rankings
    • Points from Levels 2 and 3 (A & B) count toward ARCHEX rankings
    • Points from Levels 1, 2, and 3 (A & B) count toward ARCHMX/MX+ rankings
    • Points from Veteran class count only towards RLV rankings
    • The regulations do not provide for Intro rankings
    • The Top Overall in Junior Handlers are ranked

    NOTE: See the 2018 Official Regulations for a complete description of the Rally rules and regulations.


    Appendix A - Course Design Requirements & Guidelines

    OVERVIEW: Course Design Requirements have been standardized to test the objectives of each level. This chapter also contains a Comprehensive Exercise List and List of Primary Elements.

    In course design, does the bonus affect the overall number of stationary exercises?

    No; each course shall be designed to meet the course requirements. Then it is the Judge's choice of which bonus to select and at which station to place it. As clarified in course design, the bonus sign (or each sign of a two-sign bonus) shall be numbered as a station within the sequence of the course.

    Why is exercise #102 (Halt, Sit, Stand) required on all Intro and Level 1 courses?

    Part of the objective for both Intro and Level 1 classes (Chapter 2) is to test proficiency in the fundamental obedience exercises. We consider the "stand" position to be a fundamental exercise as well as a practical exercise for real-life.

    NOTE: See the 2018 Official Regulations for a complete description of the Rally rules and regulations.


    Contact Us
    LAST UPDATED: 9/29/2017

    Postal Mailing Address:
    PO Box 850955
    Richardson, TX 75085-0955 USA

    Physical Address for Overnight Deliveries:
    101 East Park Blvd, Suite 600
    Plano, TX 75074 USA

    Where Do I Send Questions, Comments, and Suggestions?

    Please contact us directly at or 972-487-2200 x103.


  • Copyright 2025 . World Cynosport Rally Limited All rights reserved.