Long-awaited @home! platform returning soon.
WCRL has received an update from programmers that the platform will return sometime in October. As part of the USDAA@Home! website, the platform will roll out in steps to provide an opportunity to debug any unforeseen issues. Dog Agility will roll out first and then Rally, whose website resides on a different server. The full platform should be up and running no later than end of October.
According to Ken Tatsch, WCRL president, "We are looking at the full program being in operation by mid-October, as we are anxious to resume work on transition of rallydogs.com to a new server. The new server for rallydogs.com was provisioned in late 2019, with much development on an integrated website accomplished, but work had to be halted due to the pandemic. We are now in a position to resume that process to provide a more robust and informative web experience for the rallydog community. If we can keep the current momentum in development, we are initially targeting end of 2024 for the rollout of the new rallydogs.com.